Our most popular grid testing programs are Soil Pro I and Soil Pro II for high input crops. Soil Pro III is designed for wheat and sugar beets. Soil Pro IV is our most basic testing. For a fee schedule of testing offered, please click HERE. For submission forms for this testing, click HERE.
Western Laboratories has the most extensive programs for potatoes, onions, mint, orchards, nurseries and vineyards in the United States. Grid sampling is designed for your crop advisor or Western Laboratories to pull the samples, depending upon the distance from the lab. Most fields are collected in a one or two-acre grid, and a minimum of 10 samples are required.
Potatoes - Samples are collected in a one or two-acre grid for complete soil analysis, complete nematode testing, Verticillium, Black Dot Disease and Wireworm. Maps can be made for your dealer for variable rate application, fertility, Wireworm and dual injection for nematode and diseases.
Onions - Samples are collected on a one or two-acre grid for complete soil fertility and recommendations, complete onion nematode analysis, Fusarium Basal Plate RotDisease, Pink Root and Wireworm. Maps are made for your dealer for variable rate application, fertility, Wireworm and dual injection for nematode and diseases.
Mint - Samples are collected in a one or two-acre grid for complete soil analysis, complete nematode testing, Verticillium, and Wireworm. Maps are made for your dealer for variable rate application, fertility, Wireworm and dual injection for nematode and diseases.
Orchards - Samples are collected on a one-acre grid for complete soil fertility test, complete nematode community test, verticillium (one species), root rotting index, compaction index testing for the 1st and 2nd foot, official texture and available water holding capacity using pressure membrane for your irrigation system design. This is intended for new orchards or the re-establishment of orchards. Maps are made for your dealers for variable rate application, fertility, Wireworm control and dual injection recommendations for nematodes and diseases.
Vineyards - Samples are collected on a one-acre grid for complete soil fertility test, nematode testing, verticillium, crown gall in soil and root stock, cut worm, root rotting index, compaction testing for the 1st and 2nd foot, official texture and available water holding capacity by pressure membrane for your irrigation system design. Maps are made for your dealers for variable rate application, fertility, Wireworm control and dual injection recommendations for nematodes and diseases.
Nursery Crops – Samples are collected on a one or two-acre grid for complete soil analysis, complete nematode testing, Verticillium (two species) and Wireworm. Maps are made for your dealers for variable rate application, fertility, worms and dual injection for nematode and diseases.
For individual or partial grid test pricing other than what is listed above, please contact us.