Our soil testing Lab has 24 to 48 hour turn around time majority of the year. With six weighings, we specialize in problem soils and our reports come with recommendations based on your crop. Our most popular tests are Agriculture, Garden, City Parks, Golf Courses, Dryland Wheat, Atlantic Giant Pumpkin and Grid.
The lab runs 24 hours a day during the summer months. Our database includes 220 crops for recommendations.
We offer complete nematode testing including cyst nematodes. Root knot nematodes and cyst nematodes are separated by species. Nematode results are generally published 24-48 hours of receiving the sample.
We offer plant disease testing for most common crops including but not limited to potatoes, onions, gardens and giant pumpkins. We test for soil born diseases including pink root (onions), verticillium, rhizoctonia (to AG-level), fusarium and pink rot (potatoes).Plant diseases are broken down to species level with DNA analysis.
We test several human pathogens on produce and water samples. All of our procedures are AOAC approved methods. Positives on produce are confirmed with DNA analysis.
For many years now we've been able to testing alfalfa hay for the presence of the Roundup Ready Alfalfa. In our test trials, we were able to detect 0.1 % GMO alfalfa in Non-GMO material. This test is generally published 24-48 hours of receiving the sample.
We offer grid testing for fertility, nematodes and diseases on most crops. Grid samples are done on 0.25 to 2.5 acre grids. Grid size depends on the crop and tests required. We have a collecting crew that can be requested. We also can make your maps and shapefiles for your VRT equipment. For grid sampling there needs to be at least 10 samples.
Our water analysis includes salts, major and minor nutrients, alkalinity. We're also able to test pathogens such as coliform bacteria and E. coli.
This testing includes manure (wet or dry), compost, lagoon and holding ponds. This test explains pounds of nutrients per ton of dry manure and pounds of nutrients per 1,000 gallons of lagoon/slurry water.
What is Nitrogen Mineralization? It is the measurement of the nitrogen from the organic matter that will be released during the growing season.
Our giant pumpkin testing is a vast growing program! We help customers from all around the world to grow GIANT pumpkins, fruit and veggies!
Our feed testing is all NIR. For dairy feed testing we recommend our test #31 which includes a calcium to phosphorus ratio. We also offer nitrate testing with guidelines. We're also NFTA certified!
We can test fertilizers for % of nutrient available in product.
This test is designed for grain and see crops under non-irrigated conditions.
Designed to increase protein on wheat after the yield potential has been determined. Samples are taken at four critical growth stages. The nitrogen and sulfur are evaluated plus their ratios
with recommendations.
We offer a variety of monitoring programs to meet the needs of our growers. These programs are designed to help growers keep abreast of nutritional needs in the plant and soil.
Useful Conversion Table (pdf)